Thursday, January 3, 2008

Social Hateworking

So I see this link to you tube on my friend's Gchat status. I watch this hilarious video of a little baby making faces. I mean, who hates cute babies honestly? But I think I asked this question too hastily, because on You Tube there's always haters. And not that "hater" in the "if you don't like my opinion" you are hating type way, but that good ole' KKK brand of hatred. I scrolled down to see some of the comments after this pic and someone called the little baby a piece of s@*! n-word. Pathetic and cowardly? Obviously. Wicked and unecessary? Yeah, that too. All too common on the internet? Definitely. Speaking on You Tube specifically, almost every video I've seen with a black person in it I've seen the n-word or a response to a racist commenter below. I wonder how much hate posts on the internet are a reflection of what many more Americans than most people realize actually believe, or is it a freak-uber-minority of people who dedicate time to spread their ignorance? I mean, really...a baby!

1 comment:

Dante Perrucci said...

I've been utilizing the internet for about 10 years now...and one simple fact has always remained true.

Racism is everywhere. Everywhere you turn you can and will encounter some sort of racism. I choose not to respond to racist comments and remarks on things like forums, youtube, and other public venues. It gives racist the "gas" they need to fuel their hatred tank on their vehicle of self destruction.

The fact that racist people carry out their deeds on the internet now just proves one simple fact:

Even someone with intelligence can still be very, very ignorant.