Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Rain Still Falls and the Sun Still Shines

I’ve been taking care of the house for my mom and struggling to keep up with a lot of the daily tasks I need to do in the house as well as take care of my own 'Bidness'. I realized, after she had been gone for a month, that I had barely shown her plants any love. I was about to go out of town for a week when I realized this and thought to myself, “Forget it, these plans been dead.” However, I took a second to reflect and said maybe I should give these plants a good look before I just give up on them. So, I took a look, and it appeared like there was some life left. Go figure. They all looked like an “up-do” gone bad but I knew it wouldn’t take much effort to fill them up with water and give life a chance.

Most people have heard analogies comparing relationships with people as similar to caring for plants, you have to nourish them to keep them alive. I thought about this as I tried to save my moms plants.

Any fool knows plants need sun and water to survive. Some people want their plants to survive but really haven’t been schooled in the Art of Gardening. Although well intentioned, their lack of experience, education, or commitment lead them to lose a lot of their plants prematurely. A subset of these people habitually neglect their plants because of other things going on in their lives, and, because of a pessimistic attitude and/or past negative experience, they presume the plant is already dead. However, I encourage these neglectful caretakers to do something. Go and check on the plant before it dies! The diligent nurse/doctor checks the pulse before giving the time of death right? She doesn’t just assume the patient is dead because homie looks kind of pale!

It’s always wiser to bet on life because believing in life tends to breed vitality while presuming death breeds destruction. In the case of the plant, even if you have neglected it for a while, do not forget that the Sun can find a way to shine through if it wants to and your plant can get water from more sources than yourself. Sometimes God brings rains just in time keep it alive. And even if that does not happen, just by checking on your plant you may realize that you can still nurse it back to health.

Exposing a plant to healthy amounts of sunlight is akin to prioritizing a relationship. It is in essence placing it in position for it to thrive. Watering the plant is the time, effort, and energy you put into the relationship. Just because you have neglected a relationship, know you shouldn’t have, and figure it should be dead, it’s not a bad idea to go and see if it still has a little life in it. Whether romantic relationships neglected, friendships forsaken, business relationships almost buried, that treasured plant might still be revived! Even when you’re not around the Rain Still Falls and the Sun Still Shines.

The best is yet to come in 2008.


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